- Official Post
# Aggregated changelog: 20170801210010
Product | Machine | Version
community-x64 | softwarex86-64 | 3.2.2
#### VPN: Client
Bug: Openvpnclient gets not monitored after a force restart via jobcontrol
#### Kernel
Epic: Extend kernel 4.1 compatibility
#### Antivirus: ClamAV
Bug: Jobsengine deadlock prevents jobs from starting
#### Logging & Monitoring
Bug: Logrotate does not rotate log files bigger than 2GB on x86 platforms
Bug: HTTP Proxy logs not rotated
#### Translations
Bug: Upgrade python-simplejson to prevent conversion of i18n strings to JSON failure
#### ICAP
Bug: c-icap cannot allocate memory for buffer
#### EMI
Improvement: Add JSON payload support for EMI commands
Task: Update JQuery DataTables
Improvement: Start emi/acpid/ulog before the netwizard
#### Artwork
Improvement: Update favicon with endian community logo
#### Monitoring, Reporting
Improvement: Support for hourly graphs
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